Our rows of man-made forests
By the 1930's Michigan was virtually deforested by the lumber industry. This was a ecological disaster looming in all lumbering states in America. 100,000 people in Michigan were employed to plant 484 million trees. In the course of nine years, FDR hired over 3 million people to plant over 3 Billion! trees in the USA, and build some 800 parks. Every state has a man-made forest built by our grand and great-grand fathers. Pretty Cool huh! 
By the 1930's Michigan was virtually deforested by the lumber industry. This was a ecological disaster looming in all lumbering states in America. 100,000 people in Michigan were employed to plant 484 million trees. In the course of nine years, FDR hired over 3 million people to plant over 3 Billion! trees in the USA, and build some 800 parks. Every state has a man-made forest built by our grand and great-grand fathers. Pretty Cool huh!