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Product Image Millennial Nation

Millennial Nation

Watercolor 28w x 22h

$ 500.00

Millennial Nation

The beautiful face of Millennails
Transcend the old traps
The bias, stodgy couches
Of stingy, snoring naps

The face of the Y Generation
Is distraught with social lies
Disenfranchised by the cost of education
And overwrought alibies

The Millennial face makes the convincing case
Their ancestors have only alluded:
Creed, sex, gender and race;
Not achieved until all is included

The faces of our children and grandchildren
Believe society can make an injured world whole
O ye of self-interest have taken thy toll
The Gen-texter is pushing the dream back to their parents' thwarted generation
And E Pluribus Unum is not be the hollow motto of their millennial nation
But the goal!