A lane down through the small tree grove,
to the farm house we then drove,
For breakfast hosted by the Farlow family,
of biscuits'n sausage from the stove.
Assembled were smiling relations who
came from far and near.
Wet with rain from the night before but
weather began to clear.
Pages of stories in all categories were classed
from event to career.
Ages in glories that spanned territories passed
eighty to under a year.
A family reunion is a state of communion where
each bares a reflective eye.
It's happy confusion may not find conclusion but
it's never a final goodbye!
to the farm house we then drove,
For breakfast hosted by the Farlow family,
of biscuits'n sausage from the stove.
Assembled were smiling relations who
came from far and near.
Wet with rain from the night before but
weather began to clear.
Pages of stories in all categories were classed
from event to career.
Ages in glories that spanned territories passed
eighty to under a year.
A family reunion is a state of communion where
each bares a reflective eye.
It's happy confusion may not find conclusion but
it's never a final goodbye!